A man is not defined by his wealth, but by his character. I possess a passion to make a difference, building healthy communities and bringing people together. I'm encouraged and motivated by the improved health of my clients and society as a whole, aspiring to decrease the statistics of childhood obesity. I make myself available to a diverse group of people with a variety of goals and budgets. While I have numerous celebrity clientele my interest is in the person, not the name. Through an understanding of what works best for each client and their physical movement, I design unique exercise regimens for each client and develop nutritionally balanced meal plans. My clients' physical stature demonstrates my dedication to each person exceeding their physical challenges and maintaining a healthy body. Growing up in the suburbs of Chicago, I developed an active interest in sports and physical well being at a young age. On the court, I realized this passion in one of my favorite sports, basketball. My skillful play took me on a journey that included playing in Iceland on the US Air Forces Team for 1 year and serving in the US Air Force for 4 1/2 years.I continued with an interest in weight lifting that later turned into a profession. My slow transformation from a small frame of 190 to a large frame of 260 pounds caught the attention of many. I have developed my expertise through an abundant amount of practice, education, and understanding. These skills can only be perfected from years of experience, which led to advice seeking individuals that would later become clients. There is no doubt from my mentality and physical stature that I have the ability to complete any of the tasks that I instruct. I have gained my clients trust through my ability to motivate and encourage, focusing on more than the physical attributes of training. I have developed a sincere interest in each one of my clients. Additionally I have a great understanding of what they go through. My ultimate goal is to maximize health, fitness, and physical development through consistent training, healthy eating, and effective problem solving to previous precursors to the unwanted behavior. Most clients attribute their success with me to developing new habits that include coping mechanisms for a healthy lifestyle. For me, understanding the problem is as important as solving the problem. I'm able to determine the client's level of potential and continuously encourage success. My personal attentiveness to diet and exercise sets me at a competitive standard and serves as my best marketing tool. My style has afforded me an opportunity to train a Super Bowl Champion, a Miss Fitness Universe (2nd place), radio personalities, and numerous NFL hopefuls. I aspire to expand my business, C3fitness, with the addition of many new clients. Overall, my success will be encompassed with the fortitude to exceed the challenges in creating a healthy body, mind, and soul.